New article in the journal Pragmalingüística!

The article entitled «Recomendaciones sobre lenguaje claro en español en el ámbito jurídico-administrativo: análisis y clasificación» has been published today in the journal Pragmalingüística. The aim of the article is to analyse the recommendations on plain language written in Spanish that are included in the most relevant and current sources on the subject, in order to classify them according to the level of the language to which they refer. This systematization of the plain language recommendations was used as the basis for the creation of arText claro. We encourage you to read the article and use arText claro!

The reference of the article is as follows:

Da Cunha, Iria; Escobar, M. Ángeles (2021). «Recomendaciones sobre lenguaje claro en español en el ámbito jurídico-administrativo: análisis y clasificación»Pragmalingüística, 29. 129-148. ISSN 1133-682X

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